+44 (0)1206 86 66 63
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Carbon Fibre Air Induction Kits for Lotus, MG, Renault, Saab & MINI | Reverie Ltd Carbon Fibre Air Induction Kits for Lotus, MG, Renault, Saab & MINI | Reverie Ltd Carbon Fibre Air Induction Kits for Lotus, MG, Renault, Saab & MINI | Reverie Ltd Carbon Fibre Air Induction Kits for Lotus, MG, Renault, Saab & MINI | Reverie Ltd Carbon Fibre Air Induction Kits for Lotus, MG, Renault, Saab & MINI | Reverie Ltd

Model Specific Induction Kit

Reverie produce induction kits designed for Lotus, MG, Renault and Saab vehicles. Our kits are based on our Daytona Air Induction filter kit and can be used in conjunction with our air boxes or used with the standard intake system.  The Daytona kits can be specified with Alloy of Carbon Fibre filter canisters, everything you need is included in the kit. Our carbon fibre canisters are autoclaved to achieve the best finish and longevity.

 Some examples of fitted induction kits are available in the gallery. If you have any questions regarding our Induction kits please feel free to contact us

Model Specific Induction Kits & Accessories

+44(0)1206 86 81 44
+44 (0)1206 86 66 63
+44(0)2081 235997 / reverie_composites



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