+44 (0)1206 86 66 63
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Spray Painting

Spray painting in our 10sqm spray booth
Carbon wheel refurbishment repainting
Spray painting in our 10sqm spray booth
Our spray booth

We have a 10sqm Combi Spray booth (L4.5 x W3.5 x H2.4m) that enables us to finish parts to high specification, coloured or clear coated using a wide range of techniques and equipment. We are able to meet demanding OEM levels of finish and often undertake repairs to Carbon products that involve restoring them to factory finish. We are able to meet very demanding levels of surface finish and peel and have state of the art polishing consumables and equipment to achieve the very best surface finish. The paint process varies but typically involves inspecting the surface to be painted to detect and rectify any surface imperfections and/or pinholes and fill as required. The surface is then abraded ready for clear primer before receiving full cleaning and degreasing to remove residue. A clear topcoat is applied, the finish of which can depend on customer requirements (matt, satin, gloss e.t.c.). Gloss parts receive sanding with discs up to P3000 to remove the smallest of scratches before polishing up to a high-gloss finish.

We are able to mix paints to achieve any colour or finish.

+44(0)1206 86 81 44
+44 (0)1206 86 66 63
+44(0)2081 235997 / reverie_composites



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